About increase of nuclear and radiation safety in the Arctic zone spoke in Murmansk

@GTRK "Murman"
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In Murmansk the 24th Russian-Norwegian commission on cooperation in the field of increase of nuclear and radiation safety with participation of State corporation "Rosatom", Ministry foreign affairs of Kingdom of Norway, and also representatives of the non-state organizations took place. Because of a pandemic the meeting took place in an online mode. One of...
Moustafa Mamedinovich Kashka
Main activity:Official
Oleg Kryukov
Last position: The director of a state policy in the field of the radioactive waste, the fulfilled nuclear fuel and a conclusion from operation yaderno and radiation dangerous objects (State corporation "Rosatom")
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Production association "Beacon"