«Матч звезд» прошел на стадионе «Капролактамовец»

@Nizhegorodskaja pravda
В состязании сошлись ветераны и молодые игроки сборной России по футболу лиц с церебральным...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Nizhny Novgorod Newspaper» , more details in our Terms of Service
Yvan Nikolaevich Noskov
Main activity:Official
Aleksey Chesmin
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Administration of the Zolotuhino district of the Kursk region)
Wladyslaw Raretsky
Last position: Professional athlete (Administration of the Zolotuhino district of the Kursk region)
Lasha Murvanadze
Last position: President (MPOO "FFLTSP")
City administration
Government Agency