Prosecutor of the region Denise Alekseevich Kostenko and Nikolaevsky rayon

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The prosecutor Volgograd Region Denise Alekseevich Kostenko will carry out on June 16, 2021 personal reception of inhabitants Bykovo district and Nikolaevsky rayon together with Commissioner for Human Rights in Volgograd oblast Rostovshchikov Valery Aleksandrovich. - at 10.00 reception will take place in administration of the Nikolaev municipal area; - at 13:00 reception will take place in Administration of the municipal district Bykovsk. For the fullest and effective permission of the questions demanding check, it is expedient to citizens to have on hands the statement with the indication of the main arguments. In case applicant earlier...
Denise Alekseevich Kostenko
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Volgograd region)
Rostovshchikov Valery Aleksandrovich