JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "EXPERT ADVERTISING AGENCY" confirmed to LLC KB "Novy Vek" a rating "with RUB +"
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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "EXPERT ADVERTISING AGENCY" confirmed a rating of solvency of LLC KB "Novy Vek" at the ruB%2B level with the "stable" forecast, follows from release of agencies. "The rating banks is caused by a weak assessment of the market positions, adequate estimates on the capital, quality of assets and liquidity, low profitability and a conservative assessment of corporate managements" — is told in the message. According to analysts, the weak assessment of market positions reflects low competitive positions in the Russian banking market and insufficiently broad client base (16 borrowers in a crediting segment...
JSC Expert RA
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC KB "Novy Vek"
Main activity:Finance