Euro-2020. Scotland will battle to Czech Republic and other matches of Monday
Show original Standings of the championship are available here. Scotland - Czech Republic — 0:2 (0:1) Goals: Chic, 42 (0:1). Chic, 52 (0:2). Scotland: Marshall, Cooper, Hanley, Robertson, Hendri (Fraser, 67), O'Donnell (Forrest, 79), Armstrong (McGregor, 67), Makginn, Christie (Adams, 46), Maktominay, Dayks (Nisbet, 79). Czech Republic: Vatslik, Chelustka, Callas, Tsoufal, Borzhil, Darida (Shevchik, 87), Yankto (the Otter, 72), Masopust (Hlozhek, 72), Souchek, Stole (Holesh, 67), Chic (Krmenchik, 87). On June 14, 2021, Monday. 16:00 MOSCOW TIME Group D. 1st round Stadium: Hempden Park (Glazgo, Scotland), capacity: 52063 Chief judge: ...