Routes of possible transportation of cannabis are taken on control in Kazakhstan

@Forbes Kazahstan
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In Zhambylsky and Kyzylordinsky areas started patrolling roads which can be used when transporting drugs. The official representative reported MVD RK Nurdilda Oraz, the correspondent of International information company "Kazinform" reports. "In Shue's city Province of Jambyl took place opening of the large-scale operation "arasora-2021". The head of the department of counteraction of narcocrime Ministries of Internal Affairs Tlegen Matkenov held a briefing with heads of divisions on narcocrime counteraction in country regions, representatives of National guard, local...
Tlegen Matkenov
Last position: Head of the department of narcocrime counteraction (Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan)
International information company "Kazinform"
Main activity:Communication and IT
Government Agency