Grishchuk Alexander drew with Karuana in the eighth round of Superbet Chess Classic

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On the Superbet Chess Classic tournament, the first stage of the Grand Chess Tour series, parties of the eighth round are played. The leader of competitions Shakhriyar Mamedyarov from Azerbaijan white figures drew with Dutch Anish Giri. The Armenian Levon Aronyan won the second victory in a row, having won against Romanian Bogdan - Dyak Danyel. Thanks to this result, Levon Aronyan caught up in standings with Grishchuk Alexander and Wesley So. In the eighth round Grishchuk Alexander drew with the American Fabiano Karuana, and With – with the Frenchman Maxime Vashye-Lagrav. Situation after the 8th round 1. Shakhriyar Mamedyarov – 5,5. 2-4 . Grishchuk Alexander, Wesley So...
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Levon Aronyan
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Fabiano Luigi Karuana
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Maxime Vashye-Lagrav
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Теймур Борисович Раджабов
Last position: The professional athlete on chess