Alexander Grishchuk drew with Karuana in the eighth round of the stage Grand Chess Tour Still Fabiano Caruanashajmatialecsandr Alexander Grishchuk

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Moscow, 13 Jun - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The Russian chess player Alexander Grishchuk drew with the American Fabiano Karuana in party of the eighth round of the first stage Grand Chess Tour in Bucharest. The party in which Alexander Grishchuk played white figures, came to the end after the 66th course. Results of other parties of round: Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (Azerbaijan) - Anish Giri (Netherlands) - 0,5-0,5; Wesley So (United States of America) - Maxime Vashye-Lagrav (France) - 0,5-0,5; Bogdan-Danyel Dyak (Romania) - Levon Aronyan (Armenia) - 0-1; Teymur Borisovich Radzhabov (Azerbaijan) - Konstantin Lupulesku (Romania) - 0,5-0,5. For one round before the end of tournament is in the lead in...