Senators sounded the system problems which are negatively influencing development to agrarian branch Kazakhstan

@Agrarnyj sektor
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Under the chairmanship of the vice speaker of the Senate of Parliament Nurlan Abdirov governmental hour concerning realization of the State program of developments agro-industrial complex RK for 2017 - 2021 took place, reports the official site of Opening action, Nurlan Abdirov noted that for transformation of this branch into the leading force of economy Kazakhstan for the last decades is developed some industry programs of developments agro-industrial complex, approaches to financing repeatedly changed. However the taken measures did not yield expected results. "Factors...
Нурлан Мажитович Абдиров
Last position: Chairman (Central Election Commission of Republic Kazakhstan)
Дуйсенгазы Магауянович Мусин
Last position: Deputy (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)