Zyryanova Anastasia it is appointed the deputy minister of education Russian Federation

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The Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed the corresponding order about appointment Zyryanova Anastasia. It not the first personnel shift in the management MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA lately. At the end of March the post the deputy minister Victor Stefanovich Basyuk left, headed faculty of pedagogical education Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University. In the middle of May department the first deputy minister Glushko Dimitri left also, held post of the deputy general directors Agency strategic initiatives (ASI). To the place of the last Alexander Bugaev, earlier heading Rosmolodezh was accepted. About resignation...
Mikhail Mishustin
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Victor Stefanovich Basyuk
Last position: Professor of department of psychology of development of the identity of faculty of pedagogics and psychology (MOSCOW CITY ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ STATE UNIVERSITY, FGBOU VO "MPGU", MPGU)
Catherina Tolstikova
Last position: Deputy minister (MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA)
Sergei Kravtsov
Alexander Bugaev
Main activity:Official