"To prison have to go only such imbetsily, as you".  Anna Morgina stood up for Sizikova Ian

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The Russian tennis-player  Anna Morgina entered verbal sparring with the fan in website "Instagram". The user commented on detention Russians Sizikova Ian on suspicion in a fixed match on Open tennis championship of France ". Doggersha. It was necessary to move away 50-100 more tennis players, and mastiffs will be less. Udachki in prison", - wrote Sizikova Ian one of fans to website "Instagram" ". To prison have to go only such imbetsily as you which only are able on Internet to write mucks to strangers. It is a pity that your mother did not make abortion", - wrote to Morgin's answer. "You that are put? You cover criminals. Such...
 Anna Morgina
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Sizikova Ian
Sizikova Anna