The Russian halfback Makarov Denise got to the symbolical national team of the youth championship Europe

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The halfback of "Rubin" and the youth national team Russian Federation Makarov Denise entered the symbolical national team of the youth championship Europe according to the official site of UEFA. The symbolical national team was made by technical observers of UEFA: Boshtyan Tsesar, Kozmin Kontra, Dusan Fittsel, John Peacock and Shisha Tibor. Goalkeepers: Andrey Vlad (Romania), Marko Karnesekki (Italy), Diogu Koshta (Portugal). Defenders: Raum Davide (Germany), Diogu Keyrosh (Portugal), Nicko Shlotterberg (Germany), bek Mads (Denmark), Perr Skhyurs (Netherlands), Victor Nelsson (Denmark), Ridle Baku (Germany), Jorge Kuenka (Spain). Poluzashchitniki:...