The president of FVSR commented on Shane Perkins to finish Shane Perkins Perkinsvelosport

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Moscow, 6 Jun - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Gibadieva Veronica. The prize-winner of the Olympic Games in cycling on a track Shane Perkins would be a part on Games to Tokyo, happen they in 2020, the president of Federation of bicycle sports considers Russian Federation (FVSR) Yekimov Vyacheslav. Shane Perkins in 2017 replaced sports nationality with Australian on Russian, supported the Russian national team at the international competitions. Current week he declared completion of career. " Shane Perkins came to our team and competed for other participants of team sprint, the competition in the keyrena, it held all in enough...
Shane Perkins
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Gibadieva Veronica
Yekimov Vyacheslav
Sysoev Grigory
Kovpanets Sergei