The Russian ring-anonser Anchukov Artem died of consequences Koronavirus

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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Today after complications from Koronavirus at the age of 40 years the Russian ring-anonser Anchukov Artem died, information on it is placed on June 6 in Instagram-kanale M-1 Global. "Today after hard transferred illness there was no tremendous person our remarkable the ring-anonsera, Anchukov Artem. Now difficult and it is impossible to be at loss for words to describe that pain and grief which all of us test … For us it is irreplaceable loss … Eternal memory to you, Anchukov Artem …" — reports the channel. Anchukov Artem was a ring-anonserom of M-1 Global and other organizations, worked at the championships Russian Federation on the mixed...