In Nigerian State of Kaduna and State of Kebbi from hands of bandits were lost 93 persons

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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As a result of attack of bandits in states of State of Kebbi and State of Kaduna 93 persons were lost, the officer on public relations (PRO) of the police officer of managements staff Nafiu Abubakar declared, on June 6 reports The Nation Nigeria. As a result of attack of bandits in states of State of Kebbi and State of Kaduna 93 persons were lost, the officer on public relations (PRO) of the police officer of managements staff Nafiu Abubakar declared, on June 6 reports The Nation Nigeria. According to agencies, many got wounds when the attacking set fire to building churches. State of Kebbi, the most injured of two states, registered 88 victims after in...