Football players won against Haiti with the two-digit account an elimination game on ChM-2022

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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A large victory over the national team Turks and Caicos football players of the national team gained Haiti on June 5 in the first selection round on FIFA World Cup among the countries North America. Giiti's football players crushed the rival, having hammered ten meek balls. Poker was issued by Dyukens Nazon. Hat trick in Franzdi Piero's asset. The double noted Antoine Carnegi. One more goal scored to Simonsen Yeppe. Haiti wins the second victory in two matches and with six points is in the lead in group E. Also 6 points at the national team Nicaragua. On the third place Belize, the gathered 3 points. At Saint Lucia and Turks and Caicos on zero points. Let's remind, in...
Dyukens Moses Nazon
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FGBOU VO "SGUS")
Simonsen Yeppe