On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KRASNOYARSKAYA GES" explained increase in dumping of water

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Hydropower JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KRASNOYARSKAYA GES" increased water dumping to 7 thousand cubic meter a second because of proceeding thawing of snow in mountains. About it reported NEWS.ru in the press service of the governor of the region. In Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory told that because of continuation of thawing of snow in mountain part of the basin of Yenisei and possible storm rains during the period raised (70% higher than norm) inflow of water to a reservoir by the end of the first decade of June is expected from June 5 to June 9. According to the head Yenisei basin water management board Lyubov Korotkov, are expected that at peak dumping will reach 8 thousand cubic meter...