The deputy mayor earned Tyumen twice more than the chief

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The income Vera Solovyev exceeded 11 million rubles Vera Solovyev, the deputy of chapter Tyumen, in 2020 gained income in the size of 11,3 million rubles it is twice more, than at the mayor Ruslan Nikolaevich Kukharuk, earned in 5,4 million rubles (in 2019 it declared the same sum). Declarations on the income of officials were published on a site City administration. Thus from the specified sum Vera Solovyev received 6,8 million from sales property. In property at it the apartment of 153 sq.m, a non-residential premise of 44 sq.m, land plot 521 sq.m and car Volvo. In 2019 official...
Ruslan Nikolaevich Kukharuk
Last position: Mayor (Administration of the city district Tyumen city)
Vera Solovyev
Last position: Deputy Head (Administration of the city district Tyumen city)
Irina Chudova
Last position: Deputy Head (Administration of the city district Tyumen city)
Mayorova Anna
Vagin Petr
City administration
Government Agency