Miscellaneous. The Belarusian boxers will make a speech at tournament of the Olympic qualification in Paris

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The Belarusian boxers will make a speech at tournament of the Olympic qualification in Paris which starts on June 4 in the capital France. The first into dispute for the admission on the Olympic Games today will get Radionov Alexander (69 kg), Bondarenko Vitaly (75 kg) and Mikhail Dolgolevets (81 kg). It is necessary to Bobruychanin fight with the Israeli athlete Kapuler Miroslaw. The most experienced athlete from Minsk will battle to Turk Serkhat Gyuler. The native of the Soligorsk area in order that is become closer by the third Olympic Games in his career, it is necessary to win against one more Turk Malkan's Malkan Bayram. Fights Asanov Dimitri (63 kg) and Terteryan Nicholas from Denmark...