The authorities of Chile suspended use of a vaccine of companies AstraZeneca plc

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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Ministry health care of Republic of Chile made the decision temporarily to suspend application of a vaccine against Koronavirus companies AstraZeneca plc for people is younger than 45 years. The Clarin newspaper reports on June 3 about it. Before June 1 the case with the 31-year-old man who died from the thrombosis, allegedly caused application of a vaccine from Koronavirus companies AstraZeneca plc was recorded. After consideration of this case Ministry health care of Republic of Chile made the decision on vaccine phase-out for persons is younger than 45 years. The authorities of the country explained that age restriction on application of a preparation of AstraZeneca plc...
Manoel Juan
Enrique Peris
AstraZeneca plc
Main activity:Health care and social services
Ministry zdravookhraneniya
Government Agency