Rerikh Nicholas will present personal belongings and documents in the family Museum institute

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Tomorrow, on June 4, exhibition "Roerich's Power" Tomorrow, on June 4 opens, exhibition "Roerich's Power" opens. Let's note that tomorrow in the family Museum institute Rerikhov opens one more exhibition – "A bowl not drunk. Mongolia". "Roerich's power" – its logical continuation. 100 years of friendship are Already known that on an opening day there will arrive the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mongolia Batmunkhiyn Battsetseg, the plenipotentiary ambassador of this country Mongolia to Russian Federation Dulamsuren Davaa and other guests of honor. Exhibition is devoted to the 100 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries. It touches upon a subject...
Dulamsurengiyn Davaa
Main activity:Official
Rerikh Nicholas
Bondarenko Aleksey
Rerikh Pakt
Andreev Leonid
TSVZ "Manezh"