To Ukrainians promised "the steady growth of economy", but in years

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Thanks to the carried-out reforms in 2023 Ukraine will be able to come to a steady trend of growth of economy in 5% annually, the prime minister of the country Denise Shmygal declared on June 2. The head of the government reminded that earlier, on May 31, the government approved "two extremely important documents" — the forecast of economic and social developments Ukraine for 2022−2024, and also the budgetary declaration for 2022−2024. Documents assume that deficiency budgets Ukraine will be cut almost by half and will return to planned 3% since 2023, public debt will be reduced to level less than 50% of gross domestic product (the truth, Denise Shmygal not...
Denise Shmygal
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Ukraine)
Aleksey Goncharuk
Main activity:Politician