Тульские велогонщики завоевали медали «Гран-при Санкт-Петербурга»

На велодроме «Локосфинкс» прошли международные соревнования по велоспорту «Гран-при Санкт Петербург...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Молодой коммунар» , more details in our Terms of Service
Anastasia Voynov
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Daniil Komkov
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION BK "MARAFON-TULA")
Alexander Dubchenko
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Pavel Rostov
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Catherina Gnidenko
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling