Найден самый бедный мэр Сахалинской области. Рейтинг РИА «Сахалин-Курилы»

@Sahalin i Kurily
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Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Sakhalin and Kuriles» , more details in our Terms of Service
Yegor Aleksandrovich Belobaba
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the municipal entity city district Smirnykhovsky of the Sakhalin region of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Kraskovsky
Main activity:Politician
Alexander Tugarev
Last position: Mayor (Administration of the municipal entity city district Dolinsky of the Sakhalin region of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Mikhaylovich Radomsky
Last position: Mayor (Administration of the city district Poronaysk)
Vladimir Il
Main activity:Official