В партии «Единая Россия» отобрали 25 кандидатов на выборы в Самарскую Губернскую думу

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Nicholas Rents
Main activity:Field expert
Svetlana Beskorovaynaya
Last position: Deputy of Council of deputies of the Zheleznodorozhny intracity district of the lake Samara
Vera Popova
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on local government, the member of the committee on the industry, business and trade (Regional Duma of Samara)
Catherina Kuzmicheva
Last position: Deputy, first deputy chairman (Regional Duma of Samara)
Nicholas Mikhaylovich Lyadin
Last position: The secretary of office of party in the city district Syzran (Samara city regional branch office Parties "Yedinaya Russia")