On ER primaries in Tyva Republic the maximum number of votes got the doctor Saryglar Aydyn Nikolaevich and the acting deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Larissa Shoygu

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In Tyva Republic "United Russia" Party on selection of candidates for elections in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Tyva Republic summed up today the results of primaries. In total 14 candidates were declared. On two of them – the deputy Verkhovny Hurala Kara-ool Youri and to the representative of the Prime Minister in Supreme Khural of the Tyva Republic – passed Bartyna-Sady Vitaly , the deputy Hurala of representatives of the city...
Mergen Oorzhak
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Ayas Norzhukaevich Monge
Last position: President (TPP OF THE TYVA REPUBLIC, TPP RT)
Larissa Shoygu
Main activity:Politician
Saryglar Aydyn Nikolaevich
Kara-ool Youri