In prosecutor's office Moscow the next meeting of Scientific and advisory council took place at prosecutor's office the capitals

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Today, on May 31, 2021, under the chairmanship of the prosecutor of Moscow Denise Popov took place next meetings of Scientific and advisory council at prosecutor's office Moscow. Meeting was devoted to topical issues of detectability and investigation of the crimes connected with legalization of income, gained by a criminal way, and also counteractions to a misuse of digital signatures. In work of meeting of Council took part the deputy prosecutor of Moscow Burko Dimitri, the vice-chairman of Scientific and advisory council Manerkin Eugenie, the Minister of Moscow Government...
Stanislas Volkov
Last position: Head (Interregional department of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of the Central Federal District)
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Platonov
Last position: President (MOSCOW CITY TPP, MTPP)
Denise Popov
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of Moscow)
Eugenie Aleksandrovich Danchikov
Last position: Chief (Glavkontrol)
Burko Dimitri