It is open 90 vacancies for employments. The Igorevsky combine works in the round-the-clock mode

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The situation is gradually normalized, the new investor in full carries out earlier reached agreements. The plant got down to work in the round-the-clock mode. Employment JSC "IDK" was discussed at meeting under the chairmanship of the governor by Alexey Ostrovsky...
Denis Manturov
Main activity:Official
Sergei Neverov
Last position: The head of fraction in the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Alexey Ostrovsky
Main activity:Politician
Ashot Yegikyan
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the municipal entity Kholm-Zhirkovsky district of the Smolensk region)
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