Sincerity of the herdboy

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The conductor Luks Waclaw, Pratum Integrum ensemble, chorus of Intrada and soloists led by Francesca Aspromonte and Volkov Bogdan played in the Zaryadye hall Handel's pastoral "Atsis and Galatea". To sounding of the national team of the Moscow and European musicians listened Bederova Julia. To a sad story from Ovidiya's "Metamorphoses" — about the nereid Galatea, her loved Akida-Atsis, the son Pang, and Polyphemus's awful Cyclops, out of jealousy roughly crushed all arcadian idyll, love and happiness a piece of the rock — Handel addressed several times, including in the Italian options 1708 and 1731 of years. But in 1718...