The piracy ship appeared at the "Aria" concert in Nizhny Novgorod

@Vremja N
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People approach to "Jupiter" long before a concert. The concert was initially planned for October of last year, but, for various reasons, generally because of Koronavirus, will begin only in May 2021. Mineev Kirill: "All of us understand that 2020 — difficult year for all, today the full notice, tickets are sold long ago". Merkulov Valery: "I adore "Aria", today there will be an excellent show, will look, listen, rejoice, let and all rejoice". Mineev Dimitri: "To year in 2006 the elder brother to me included the song "Get Up, Fear Overcome", then "Will and reason", then I began to listen, then listened also to foreign music, but...