Czech Republic recouped with 0:2 in the third period and pressurized Sweden in the main time for ChM-2021

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The national team Sweden on passing in Riga (Latvia) the hockey World Cup-2021 lost to a national team Czech Republic 2:4 (2:0, 0:0, 0:4). About it reports "Open port". The Scandinavian team threw in gate of the rival two meek washers already in the first twenty minutes. At first for 12 minutes a goal Vingerli Andreas with help issued an assist Friberg Maxime, and Rikard Rakkel after goal passes Kempe Adrian and Magnus Nyugren caused a stir three minutes later. The second piece of game passed without the heads, and on a course of a final piece of a match the Czech hockey players created superkambek. minute brought the 42nd to them...