Soccer. Dembo Darbo beat the goal achievement of the highest league keeping of 13 years

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After ten rounds of the championship Belarus in an asset of the Gambian forward of "Miner" Dembo Darbo of 10 heads. It is the best indicator of starting productivity in the highest league for the last 13 years. Kontsevoy Artem which as much time struck gate of rivals in the season-2008 beginning as a part of MTZ-RIPO was the last football player to whom on a similar tournament way ten obeyed. As for a record of the championships on number of the heads on a desyatiturovy piece from tournament start, it belongs to Petr Petrovich Kachuro: as a part of Minsk "Dynamo" in the one-circular autumn championship-1995 it hammered 12 balls. On Darbo's account...