The known Soviet and Russian actress] die

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The Soviet and Russian actress theaters and cinema Shatskaya Nina died on the 82nd year of life. About it reports radio station "Ekho Moskvy" with reference to the actor Nakhim Shifrin, transfers Day.Az with reference to periodical e-edition "". The cause of death of the actress is not specified. The place and time of a funeral are unknown. The honored actress Russian Federation Shatskaya Nina in 1963 graduated from the State INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION OOBO "ITI P/U I. D. KOBZONA", and from the 1964th on the 1993rd served in STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION MOSCOW "MOSKOVSKY THEATER NA TAGANKE" then played also the Commonwealth of actors of Taganka and at State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky theater "School sovremennoy pyesy". Shatskaya Nina was twice married, the national actor Russian Federation was her second spouse...