Сенатор от Мордовии наконец-то собрался на покой!

@Stolitsa S
В сентябре, после единого дня голосования, верхнюю палату Федерального собрания покинут многие сенаторы. В числе прочих из нее уйдет первый...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «The capital With — News of Saransk and Mordovia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Valery Ryazansky
Last position: High councilor, coordinator on work with pensioners and veterans ("United Russia")
Tatyana Kusayko
Main activity:Politician
Arkady Chernetsky
Last position: First deputy chairman (Federal Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Politics, Local Government and Affairs of the North)
Aramais Dallakyan
Last position: Member of the committee (Council of the Federation Budget and Financial Markets Committee)
Lityushkin Vladimir