In Yaroslavl will not increase remuneration to foster homes

@MK.RU Jaroslavl'
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The profile commission of Regional Duma of Yaroslavl rejected zakonoprpoyekt, the offered Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Deputies Alexander Vorobyev, Kuznetsova Helena, Filippov Aleksey, Mardaliev Elkhan, Abdullaev Shakir, Baylo Valery, submitted for consideration Altai regional Legislative Assembly the bill providing increase in payments to foster families. That is, to those families which take on education of the children who have remained without parental care. At meeting of committee of the explanation under the bill Kuznetsova Helena gave. She told to colleagues that payments, which at present in quality...
Alexander Vorobyev
Main activity:Politician
Kuznetsova Helena
Filippov Aleksey
Mardaliev Elkhan
Abdullaev Shakir
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Government oblasti
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