The editor-in-chief "Newspapers Vyborchey" Adam Mikhnik addressed with the open letter to the chief Volodarki

@Nasha Nіva
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Adam Mikhnik, the editor-in-chief of one of the largest Polish editions "Newspaper of Vyborcha", the former political prisoner in times when Poland was under control to the USSR, and now — one of the most influential people Poland, addressed with the open letter to the chief of a pre-trial detention center No. 1 Minsk to Tsedrik Andrey Mikhaylovich where Pochobut Andrzej , the long-term correspondent "Newspapers Vyborchey" was held in custody. Charge of "kindling of the race hatred" is brought to it and four more activists of the Union of Poles unregistered by the authorities. Adam Mikhnik published the open letter on "Dear Tsedrik Andrey Mikhaylovich! In...