«Мандариновый» путь Алексея Силанова

@NIA Kaliningrad
Унижать людей, ломать их карьеру в Калининградской области стало модным. Законодателем этой моды стал молодой губернатор Алиханов. Особенно наглядно это прослеживается на карьере Алексея Николаевича Силанова...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «NIA Kaliningrad» , more details in our Terms of Service
Helena Dyatlova
Last position: Head (Administration of the urban district "The city of Kaliningrad")
Alexander Yaroshuk
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on economic policy, industry, the innovative development and entrepreneurship (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Ivanovich Pyatikop
Main activity:Politician
 Anna Appolonova
Last position: Chairman of the Committee, Deputy head of administration (KOMITET ON SOCIAL POLICY ADMINISTRATION OF THE KALININGRAD CITY)
Aleksey Nikolaevich Silanov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Kaliningrad region)