Former player "Intera" Ventola: "Lautaro Javier Martines will go to "Atletiko" soon. Everything is settled"

@Otkrytyj port
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The ex-forward "Intera" Nikola Ventola told other former forward of Milan team during translation on the Twitch platform about a fast transfer of the Argentina forward black-blue Lautaro Javier Martines in "Atletiko". About it reports "Open port" with reference to Marca. "I now will stir up bombichesky news: the birdie sang to me that Martinez becomes the player "Atletiko". I was told that everything is settled. They will begin to pay to it solid money", – Ventola told. Let's note that the Madrid collective already applied for Lautaro when that was in Argentina "Rasinge", but the football player...
Lautaro Javier Martines
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Internatsionale")