To Russian Federation there will be a profession of the developer of what and industrial parks

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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The first developers of ecoindustrial parks or "managers of industrial symbiosis" will appear to Russian Federation. They will develop concepts and to develop the direction eco-friendly and useful to businesses zones, the author of the project, the member of the working group of the EcoNet market of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) Nicholas Pitirimov told "Evening Moscow". According to him, the ecoindustrial park works by the principle of industrial symbiosis: waste one companies becomes raw materials for a production chain of other organization. There will take place so secondary processing of materials or utilization products at...
Nicholas Pitirimov
Last position: The deputy, the vice-chairman of committee on economic policy, property complex, development of business and the consumer market, the member of the committee on town planning, architecture, the land relations (Council of people's deputies of the Vladimir city)
Avilov Alexander