To Kursk Region inspectors of Gostekhnadzor checked 330 pieces of equipment

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On May 13, 2021 at 17:28 0 972 From the beginning of spring inspectors of Gostekhnadzor resumed checks of equipment of road builders, builders and landowners In April raids on check of self-propelled equipment took place in all cities and areas Kursk Region. In one and a half months inspectors of Gostekhnadzor held 72 road and preventive events, having checked 330 pieces of equipment. 55 violations were revealed. - As practice shows, such actions are very effective. They allow not only to reveal equipment which operate with violations, for example without passing obligatory checkups, but also are one of...
Roman Kovalenko
Last position: Chief (State inspectorate of the Kursk region for supervision of technical conditions of self-propelled cars and other types of equipment with the relevant state inspectorates of the cities and districts)
Mishkin Zin