Free summer online school on design management (Romania)

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Partner higher education institution NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU invite students to take part in summer online shkoleuniversitet Babesh-Boyai (Romania) – the partner higher education institution NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU, invites students to take part in summer online to school on design menedzhmentu12-16 University Babesh-Boya carries out July for students of partner higher education institutions summer school in a remote format. Participation in action the free. The online school will be devoted to preparation and implementation of the Erasmus%2B projects. Preliminary experience of managements is not required by projects. Within schools the following questions will be considered:– how to prepare the ideal demand; – as...