Delorossa met the deputy chairman of board of Sber Anatoly Leonidovich Popov

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On April 27 in Public organization "Delovaya Russia" passed enlarged meeting of a general council of the organization with participation of the vice-chairman of board Sber Anatoly Leonidovich Popov. The guest answered questions delorossov on products Sber's ecosystems, cooperation with regional offices and business ambassadors Public organization "Delovaya Russia", potential partnership with companies and projects delorossov. The chairman Public organization "Delovaya Russia" Alexey Repik opened meeting. He noted that interaction with Sber for many businessmen became a factor of preservation of competitiveness. During a meeting he suggested to concentrate on...
Anatoly Leonidovich Popov
Last position: Board member, Vice chairman of the board, Head of the Corporate and Investment Business block (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Alexey Repik
Last position: Chairman (PO Delovaya Rossiya)
Nicholas Nikolaevich Shumeyko
Main activity:Official