In the Lithuanian Neringe are imparted already a half of inhabitants, in Kaunas and Alytus — nearly a third

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In the Lithuanian resort Neringe at least one inoculation from Koronavirus already received more than a half – 53% of inhabitants, and among the large cities are in the lead Alytus and Kaunas – nearly a third: 30%, testify data of Department of statistics. Neringoy follow the balneal resort Birstonas (42%) and the Alitussky area (33%). Among self-managements where least of all imparted, remain the Shalchininksky area (15,6%) and Visaginas (16,6%). All other self-government imparted about 20% of inhabitants. In Vilnius 27,2% of inhabitants, in Klaipeda – 21,4% are imparted. From last Friday in a week in the country 160 thousand people are imparted as a whole...