The vice speaker National assembly of the Republic of Armenia took root the Chinese vaccine from Koronavirus

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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The vice speaker National assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the floor leader of friendship "Armenia-China" Helena Nazaryan was vaccinated from Koronavirus by the Chinese preparation "CoronaVac". About it Helena Nazaryan reported on the page on Social network Facebook, transfers newspaper "Delovoy Kazakhstan" ". Friends, "Koronavak" made by company "Sinovak" received today the first dose of a vaccine. This preparation is shown for vaccination against a koronavirusny illness being in group of risk of persons of 18 years and is more senior. The second dose takes root in 28 days after the first", - noted the vice speaker, called citizens...
Helena Nazaryan
Last position: Vice-president (National assembly of the Republic of Armenia)