Markoni Mikele discharged the player of "Pisa" for the phrase about revolt of slaves
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The forward of "Pisa" Markoni Mikele is disqualified for a racist insult of the halfback "Kyevo" Joel Chukvuma Obi. Incident happened during the Series B match in December. Markoni Mikele discharged on 10 matches, Italian football federation reports. In "Kyevo" claimed that the forward said the phrase about revolt of slaves to Joel Chukvuma Obi: "After the racist phrase "revolt of slaves", told Markoni Mikele concerning Ob, "Kyevo" expresses the solidarity with our player whom slandered. It has nothing in common with basic values of sports, ethics and respect". Read the hottest sports news...
Joel Chukvuma Obi
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (CJSC "FOOD INVEST")
Markoni Mikele
Italian football federation
Main activity:Culture and sports