The journalist Ludmila Savitskaya declared in court that Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation "mixed agents"

@RBK Sankt-Peterburg
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Pskov district Gorodskoye court Pskov region rejected claim journalists Ludmila Savitskaya to Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation about recognition illegal decisions to include it in the register of the mass media which are carrying out functions of foreign agents. As transfers information agency "Interfaks" with reference to the lawyer of human rights group "Agora" Martynova Tatyana, the court decision will be appealed. On a court session Ludmila Savitskaya demanded from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to specify as which agent of the foreign country her consider, and declared that it — "the agent of citizens Russian Federation". As earlier reported daily business newspaper "RBK daily", in December, 2020 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the first time included in the mass media list — inoagentov natural persons; among them, besides Ludmila Savitskaya...