Soccer. Journalist" UN Security Council": Kovalevich Igor without work does not remain. Than not focus, for example, to go again in assistants to Kondratyev Georgy to the national team Belarus?

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The journalist" UN Security Council" Kanashits Sergei — about resignation Kovalevich Igor and his possible successors at a wheel of "Neman". Kovalevich Igor not for the first time leaves "Neman". Or rather, tries to leave, the management of club did not accept the previous statements for resignation. Present for certain too did not become for chiefs a surprise, however there is a question: and who instead of? Whether there is to Belarus or beyond its limits an expert who is ready to be put to this heavy cart? In principle, now it was just released Zhoze Mariu dush Santush Mourinho Felish, but the Grodno option will be hardly interesting to it. And will demand to remove for salary all budget areas...