"The drama in six actions": whom will punish to France

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To France the drama in six actions" as it was called by journalists was developed ". It occurred after the publication of the open letter of the military criticizing the authorities for inaction in the face of radical Islamization of the country. The statement of 20 retired generals and thousands other officers provoked a snowball of reactions. Far right Marine Le Pen them supported, the leader left Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon condemned. The Minister of Defence France promised to punish those who else serves. And the chief of the General Staff – to dismiss from a reserve "the pensioners who have lagged behind life who undertake to judge all army". And only the main addressee of the letter – the president...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Last position: Deputy (National assembly France)
Zhan-Fransua Rikar
Last position: Head (National anti-terrorist prosecutor's office France)