The share of the centralized purchases grows in Dagestan

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About it yesterday on expanded council COMMITTEE PO GOSUDARSTVENNYM ZAKUPKAM REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN, the acting the chairman declared COMMITTEE PO GOSUDARSTVENNYM ZAKUPKAM REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN Dzhafar Gadzhibekov. In the report about purchasing activity the republics for 2020, it brought to the statistician according to whom in RD in 2020 in quantitative expression for the centralized purchases made 33,3%, and in value terms – 25,3%. In total in 2020 according to the head of committee the volume of purchases for the sum of 61,8 billion rubles from which 14,04 billion rubles (22,8%) it is municipal purchases was made, 20,64 billion rubles (33,3%) it is centralized...