Kirovsky district Leningrad Region Alexey Koltsov released the ex-head home from a pre-trial detention center

@Forpost Severo-Zapad
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In Saint Petersburg changed a measure of restraint to the former official. On Friday, April 30, Primorsky district court of Saint Petersburg let out from a pre-trial detention center the ex-head Kirovsky district Leningrad Region Alexey Koltsov. About it to "Outpost" reported in the joint press service of vessels of the city. The former official was in a pre-trial detention center since March 5. There it got on the case of abuse of powers of office in the case of bankruptcy a local water utility. Initially he did not recognize the participation in a crime. Now Aleksey Koltsov concluded the pre-judicial agreement with a consequence. Therefore according to the court decision he is forbidden to visit places...
Aleksey Koltsov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Kirovsk of the Leningrad region)
Kirovsky district